

Photo by Mauritz Eklund

“Tove Holm is an experienced expert in the field of sustainable development in theory and practice. I have had the pleasure of working with Tove for many years and I am extremely impressed by her passion for making a difference. She is committed to work for real, tangible improvement in favor of glossy statements and policy papers. She has been working in international and national contexts within several different areas of activity. In the field of higher education she is the utmost expert in implementing sustainable development goals on all levels of an education institution. I can warmly recommend Tove as your partner in working towards a more sustainable future whatever your line of business or activity might be”.

Birgitta Forsström, Director, Nordic Institute for Advanced Training in Occupational Health, November 25th, 2020


I did some part-time consulting in 2020-2022, alongside my day job, which I have reflected on in my blog posts.

I thank all the great customers I have had the pleasure to work with during these years. I learned a lot and grew both professionally and personally, thanks to successes and solving challenges.

If you want to continue following my journey you can do it on LinkedIn.

Short history …

I grew up in a big Finnish city but was raised on an island in the Finnish archipelago during the summers. I wanted to work for the sea so I chose to study marine biology. As graduated, I started as a teacher and ended up working for sustainable development. I found this to be my true passion, which I have had the advantage of doing for over 20 years. In 2014 defended my doctoral thesis in Environmental science about my passion, enhancing education for sustainable development. My dissertation was a cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary action research study done in a network of 11 universities in three countries about enabling change in universities.

Facilitation and education for sustainable development and sustainable leadership are areas I have expertise in. My pedagogical approach is “pracademic” – a mixture of practical examples, scientific knowledge, and teamwork. Networking and public speaking are also working areas I enjoy. In research and cooperation, my core interest is working beyond the disciplinary perspectives a.k.a. interdisciplinary.

I am curious and like getting things done.

I like reading books (especially Nordic noir), fishing, hiking, gym training, and learning new skills.

Photo by Mauritz Eklund


You can find my current contact info on LinkedIn.